A Short History of Tarrytown’s Main St. (Its South Side)


A Feature Film

(View a one-minute clip.)


(A still-frame from the movie)

Touch or click on link below:



The written material on this site
has been borrowed from the book

G. Washington Slept Here:
A Sleepy Hollow Local History

Copyright ©2021 Notary Sojak.

All Rights Reserved.

A free sample (including all of

Main St.) may be downloaded


Griffin Bldg___Italian Village Deli


A Featured Spot



A Feature Film

(View a two-minute clip.)


(Google Street View)

Touch or click on link below:



A Featured Spot


Another Featured Spot

Napoli’s Barbershop___Whelan Drugs


A Featured Spot


Another Featured Spot

The Huddle


Still Another Such Spot


A Feature Film

(View a two-minute clip.)

(Google Street View)


Touch or click on link below:



A Featured Spot


Two TV Episodes

(View a 4-minute clip)


(A still-frame from the contemporary TV show)

Touch or click on link below:



Some More Favorite

Places, Well-remembered:

(Photo from Daily News, a Gannett newspaper)

Italian Village Deli


(Next photo by Bob Grossbaum)

Fina Italian Shoes


Wally’s Sandwich Shop (but no wedges?)


Whelan Drugs (best customer)


All brown-tinted photos are scanned
from the 1970 Tarrytown Centennial
booklet. Due to its use of very pale ink,
these photos must be processed heavily
here, to be clearly visible.

Please visit one of our other

websites. The first high-

lights the Classic NY State

Historic Site Markers located

in the Tarrytown/SH area:



Then, our list of SHHS teach-

ers--& other local notables--

whom we pay tribute to on

their respective birthdays:



Next, enjoy classic Ameri-

cana photos shot by Life

Magazine contributor

Eliot Elisofon in the Tarry-

towns in 1943. No record

remains of any publication:



Now, some short clips from

feature films that were shot

in the area of Tarrytown/SH:



Then, a short history of the

1st part of No. Broadway,

Tarrytown (its west side):



A short history of Main St.,

Tarrytown (its north side):



Lastly, a history of Beek-

man Ave., No. Tarrytown

(mainly, its south side):



We don’t own any of these photos,
nor any of the films/photos that we
link to. They are displayed here
under the doctrine of Fair Use; for
educational purposes, only.


Let’s not forget:

36 Main St.


Cherry Door Thrift Shop


(formerly Tom Cavalieri’s

“Italian Village Deli”; prior

to that, “Fina’s Italian Shoes”

& “Wally’s Sandwich Shop.”)


(Google St. View)

2 Main St.

Whelan Drugs


As seen from 1 So. Broadway (principal address).


The written material on this site
has been borrowed from the book
G. Washington Slept Here:
A Sleepy Hollow Local History.

Copyright ©2021 Notary Sojak.
          All Rights Reserved.
A free sample (including all of
Main St.) may be downloaded


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